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Avatar Will We See Azula Again

Office of the allure of the Avatarand the Korraseries, aside from their intriguing storytelling, was that they were successfully able to create a unique universe filled with dynamic characters that inhabited a complex and realistic world. Avatar Studios looks to revive this globe once again, telling untold stories involving new and returning characters set in the Avatar universe.

Since Avatar Studios was appear, fans accept still yet to acquire what these new series and films are about, merely many hope that sure stories and elements of the Avatar world will exist explored, thereby making some series more likely to be produced and released than others.

10 A New Toph Serial

Adult and Elderly Toph Collage from the Legend of Korra Series

Toph, although a honey graphic symbol inAvatar, has somewhat of a controversial storyline inKorra. She has two daughters, both with different fathers, and became the get-go Chief of Police force in Commonwealth City. A story based on her adventures as the Chief would exist a nice way to assistance re-acclimate fans to the Avatar universe once more.

This Toph series would allow for fans to learn more about the onetime gang while helping to establish more characters from the Korra series. Toph was always a stiff, memorable, and independent character, and so a sequel series about her bad guy communicable days in Democracy City wouldn't be an unrealistic expectation.

9 Young Korra Series

Young Korra in Spirit World from The Legend of Korra

Non much is known almost Korra'southward childhood except that she's from a high social strata, since she is the daughter of Tonraq, main of the Southern Water Tribe, similar to Katara and Sokka, and that her angle powers manifested when she was four years old. She is shown to be a brash and stubborn young girl, a stark dissimilarity to younger Aang.

Because of her attributes and unexplored groundwork, a series featuring an adolescent Korra would be a fun lighthearted watch for fans who are familiar with the Korra evidence and were curious most the time menstruum post-obit Aang'southward death.

8 Order of the White Lotus Series

Silly Order of the White Lotus Collage from The Legend of Korra

An Order of the White Lotus spinoff series would be a fun new management for the Avatar franchise considering information technology would let the creators to develop new characters specifically for this series.

The Order of the White Lotus featured some of the strongest benders in the Avatar Earth, like Iroh and King Bumi, and its importance in Korra would surely make this bear witness a welcoming add-on to the expanding universe. Information technology should feature a sideline story that relates indirectly but still plays a vital part to the original or sequel series, similar to Rogue I in the Star Wars franchise.

7 Aang and Tenzin'south Adventures

Tenzin and Aang in battle Collage from the Legend of Korra

In an argument betwixt Tenzin, Kya, and Bumi, information technology was revealed in Korrathat Aang was not the most receptive father to his children and strongly showed favoritism to his only airbending son Tenzin.

It was also revealed that Aang frequently took simply Tenzin on excursions as a child, and then these trips could be the focus of a new show. It would accept the same take chances experience asAvatar and would help to reveal more near Aang'south adult life without having him be front end and center.

6 Kya's Travels Around the Avatar World

Kya shocked and angry collage from The Legend of Korra

Though Kya was shown to be caring, she likewise had a reputation for beingness rambunctious and costless-spirited. For near of her life, she was struck with wanderlust and constantly traveled the earth in the hopes of finding herself.

This solo serial would exist a likely new addition to the newAvatarshows because it would showcase a lesser-known graphic symbol and could allow the creators to re-visit the sights and characters of theAvatarserial that were not highlighted in Korra.

v Super Plain-featured Shorts Serial

Katara Waterbending from Super Deformed Shorts

Avatar and Korra tin can be mature, heavy, and intense shows; the cadre of each season revolves around bug from the real world similar racism, sexuality, PTSD, and many more. With that in mind, it would not exist surprising so to see the creators bring dorsum theSuper Plain-featured Shorts and transform it into a full serial.

These adorable shorts were fun, cute, and helped alleviate some of the seriousness ofAvatar. Although there are only three shorts focusing on the Avatar crew, a newSuper Deformed Shorts series could expand and feature all members of the universe.

four Animals of the Avatar World Series

Animals of the Avatar World collage from Avatar the Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra

A new show focusing on certain animals in the Avatar earth, like the otter penguins or the lion turtles, seems extremely likely. These animals are arguably as unique and every bit interesting as the characters themselves. Some of the most memorable quotes from the evidence are fifty-fifty related to them.

A series featuring episodes similar "Appa's Lost Days", except non as dark, would be a great way to explore more of the bodily Avatar world itself. Considering the importance and role of the animals in the two original shows, this new spinoff show is surely in the makings.

3 Aang'due south Days Before the Iceberg

Collage of young Aang and the first human Airbenders from the Avatar and Korra Series

A story based on Aang's life while nonetheless living in the Southern Air Temple, before he ran away, is a must. Non much is known well-nigh the airbenders, except for what was shown in the flashbacks, then this would be a fun way to explore more of the air temples once more and learn more about their monastic nomadic civilisation.

Although Aang did get his airbending mastery tattoos at an early age, this testify could delve deeper into his trials and really help paint a picture of how one of the most cherished characters in the series matured the manner he did.

2 Kyoshi Warriors Series

Avatar Kyoshi Spirit from Avatar Finale

The Kyoshi Warriors accept always been popular and loved among fans and then a new show with just them is virtually surely going to happen. Avatar Kyoshi was a prominent avatar and her warriors, specifically Suki, played an integral office in the Avatar storyline, especially in season 4.

They are extremely important in the Avatar universe and fans are eager to explore more than of their story, especially later "Sozin's Comet". Though the graphic novelsThe Promise andImbalancesexercise reveal what happened to the Kyoshi Warriors right after these events, a prove recapping these events and expanding upon them is very likely going to happen.

i Uncle Iroh Spinoff Prove

Uncle Iroh in the Spirit World from The Legend of Korra

Of course, rather obviously, a spinoff prove featuring a fan-favorite Avatar character, Uncle Iroh, is the most realistic evidence that Avatar Studios will exist releasing in the near futurity. Considering his popularity, strength, and importance in the Avatar earth, it would be foolish to not revisit him in some fashion.

Greg Baldwin, the second Uncle Iroh actor, has publicly expressed these desires for a new Iroh-focused series, even pitching the thought of a Mr. Rogers-esque spin-off. Whether this specific projection ever gets off the ground, nobody knows, but fans tin nigh be sure that Iroh volition be coming back in some way or form in the time to come.

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